Professeur Hassene Seddik.
- [1] Prétraitement des signaux multidimensionnels par filtrage intelligent et post-traitement par sécurisation basée sur des crypto-systèmes chaotiques-tatouage – Tome 1; ‘Dé-bruitage intelligent audio-image’ , Thème : Sciences / Technique / Informatique Format : Grand Format (170×240), Nombre de pages : 126 ; Date de publication : 26/10/2015, ISBN : 2334021016, Edilivre-A paris, EAN 978-2334021012.
- [2] Prétraitement des signaux multidimensionnels par filtrage intelligent et post-traitement par sécurisation basée sur des crypto-systèmes chaotiques-tatouage – Tome 2, ‘Filtrage et classification neuro-flou-génétique Tome 2, Paru le 26 octobre 2015 Etude (broché)’, Collection : Classique, Edilivre-Aparis, EAN 978-2334021074, ISBN 2334021075, PP-136, Format 17*34.
- [3] Prétraitement des signaux multidimensionnels par filtrage intelligent et post-traitement par sécurisation basée sur des crypto-systèmes chaotiques-tatouage -Tome 3,’ Sécurisation des signaux multi-dimensionnels par crypto-systèmes chaotiques et poly-cryptage, le 26 octobre 2015 Etude (broché)’, Collection : Classique, Edilivre-Aparis, EAN 978-2334021043 , ISBN 2334021040, PP-74.
- [4] Prétraitement des signaux multidimensionnels par filtrage intelligent et post-traitement par sécurisation basée sur des crypto-systèmes chaotiques-tatouage -Tome 4,’ Tatouage non conventionnel d’image’, Etude (broché), Collection : Classique, Edilivre-Aparis, EAN 978-2334021104, ISBN 2334021105, PP-102, Format 17*20.
- [1] Saidani and H. SEDDIK, ‘Invariant Digital Image Watermarking Scheme in the Projected-Frequency Domain’, Image and signal processing book, ISSN 0302-9743 ISSN 1611-3349 (electronic) Lecture Notes in Computer Science , ISBN 978-3-319-94210-0 ISBN 978-3-319-94211-7 (eBook),, London Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018, LNCS 10884, pp. 45–54, 2018. Impact Factor of 1.643.
- [2] SEDDIK, Intech book chapter, open access, “2D-watermarking–non-conventional-approaches”, Computer and Information Science» Information and Knowledge Engineering » « Watermarking – Volume 2 », book edited by Mithun Das Gupta, ISBN 978-953-51-0619-7, Published: ISBN:978-953-51-0619-7, pp.159-209, May 16, 2012 vol.2. . Impact Factor of 0.949 .
- [3] Ayachi Monaam and Seddik Hassene, ‘Design and Control of multifunctional, multiarticulate prosthetic hand’, Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing: Smart Systems for E-health Book, Part I: Physical design of medical devices, signal processing and emergent wireless technologies for E-health, WBAN Technologies, Security and Applications, SPRINGER, 2021, ISSN 1610-3947 ISBN 978-3-030-14939-0, Pages 7-36. DOI 1007/978-3-030-14939-0. Classed Q4, Indexed On Scopus.
- [4] Zouhair Mbarki and Hassene Seddik,’ Rapid medical images restoration combining parametric wiener filtering and Wave Atom Transform based on local adaptive shrinkage’, Part I:, WBAN Technologies, Security and Applications, SPRINGR, 2021, ISSN 1610-3947 ISBN Physical design of medical devices, signal processing and emergent wireless technologies for E-health 978-3-030-14939-0, Pages 106-141. DOI 1007/978-3-030-14939-0. Classed Q4, Indexed on Scopus
Impactées clarivate – Indéxée SCOPUS, indexées JCR
- Slim Ben Chaabane, Rafika Harrabi, Anas Bushnag and Hassene Seddik, “Iris Recognition Based on Multilevel Thresholding Technique and Modified Fuzzy c-Means Algorithm”, Journal on Artificial Intelligence Received31 May 2022; Accepted 28 July 2022; Issue published 25 May 2023, 4(4), 201-214.
- SB Chaabane, R Harrabi, A Bushnag and Seddik, ‘Iris Recognition Based on Multilevel Thresholding Technique and Modified Fuzzy c-Means Algorithm’, Journal of Artificial Intelligence ISSN 1076 – 9757, Vol. Vol. 4 Issue 4, p201-214. 14p. Ranked Q1
- Mohamed ben gharsallah and Hassene SEDDIK, “Phase congruency-based filtering approach combined with a convolutional network for lung CT image analysis”, The imaging science Journal, Received 22 May 2020, Accepted 12 Dec 2022, Published online: 02 Jan 2023,, impact factor on ISI Thomson Reuter 0.871, Ranked Q1.
- [Slim BEN CHAABANE , Rafika HARRABI, Labiedh and Hassene SEDDIK and Imen LABIEDH, »Face Recognition using Fast Fourier Transform and SVM Techniques », ICGST Journal of Graphics, Vision and Image Processing (GVIP), Vol. 21 N=1, PP:1-9 04/2021 2021. Indexed in ISI, ICR and Cite factor impact factor 1.969 (international scientific Indexing).
- Slim Ben Chaabane, Hassene Seddik and Rafika Harrabi, » Face recognition based on statistical features and SVM Classifier », Multimedia Tools and Application Journal, ISSN 1573-7721, 81, pages8767–8784 (5 February 2022), ,impact factor on ISI Thomson Reuter 1.33. Springer, 05/02/2022, classed Q1.
- Zouhair Mbarki Amine Ben Slama, Hassen Seddik and Hedi Trabelsi, “ Building a smart dynamic kernel with compact support based on deep neural network for efficient X-ray image denoising”, TCIV, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization. ISSN / eISSN: 2168-1163 / 2168-1171 Received 28 Mar 2021, Accepted 27 Sep 2021, Published online: 11 Oct 2021,, Classed Q2, Impact factor ISI thomson reuter 2.030 (2020) 5 year IF
- Khaled Khnissi , Chiraz Ben Jabeur and Hassene Seddik, “Implementation of a Compact Traffic Signs Recognition System Using a New Squeezed YOLO” International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research. published 22 avrl 2022. ISSN/e-ISSN 1348-8503 / 1868-8659, Classed Q2, Impact factor 1.36 ISI Thomson Reuter.
- Ilhem Mezni, Amine Ben Slama, Zouhair Mbarki, Hassen Seddik, Hedi Trabelsi, “Automated Identification of SD-Optical Coherence Tomography derived Macular Diseases by Combining 3D-Block-matching and Deep Learning Techniques”, Journal: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization(TCIV), Taylor & Francis, Article ID: TCIV 1926329, 3 mai 2021, . Impact factor ISI Thomson reuter 76, Classed Q2
- Mbarki, C. Ben Jabeur et H. Seddik, « Building a modified block matchnig Kernel based on wave atom transform for efficient image denoising, »The egyptian journal of remote sensing and space sciences. Accepted Aout 2021. Impact factor isi Thomson Reuter: 5.188, ELSEVIER, Online ISSN: 1110-9823, Volume 24, Issue 3, Part 2, December 2021, Pages 857-878, DOI :
- Amine Ben Slama, Zouhair Mbarki, Hassen Seddik, Jihene Marrakchi, Seif Boukriba and Salam Labidi, “Improving Parotid Gland Tumor Segmentation and Classification Using Geometric Active Contour Model and Deep Neural Network Framework” Traitement du Signal, ISSN 0765-0019, Aug2021, Vol. 38 Issue 4, p955-965. 11p Impact factor ISI Thomson reuter 51, Classed Q3.
- Zied bannour lahouw and Hassene seddik, “A new greedy sparse recovery algorithm for fast solving sparse representation”, The Visual Computer 17 April (2021), 1-15, DOI : 1007/s00371-021-02121-6. Impact factor ISI Thomson reuter 1.83, Classed Q2.
- Khaled khenissi, chiraz ben jabeur and Hassene seddik, ‘A smart mobile robot commands predictor using recursive neural network’, Robotics and autonomous Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 131, (09) 2020, 103593,, Impact factor ISI Thomson reuter 2.82, Classed Q1,
- Habiba Batti, Chiraz ben jabeur and Hassene seddik, Autonomous smart robot for path predicting and finding in maze based on fuzzy and neuro-Fuzzy approaches’ , Asian Journal of Control, WILEY ISSN / eISSN: 1561-8625 / 1934-6093, UTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS | AI, ROBOTICS, AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL | ENGINEERING, 25 May 2020, vol 23 issue.1 Impact factor: 2.779. Q2
- Chiraz ben jabeur and Hassene seddik, ’Design of a PID optimized Neural Networks and a PD fuzzy logic controllers for a two-wheeled mobile robot’, Asian Journal of Control, WILEY ISSN / eISSN: 1561-8625 / 1934-6093, AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS | AI, ROBOTICS, AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL | ENGINEERING, 12 May 2020 Impact factor:2.779. Q2.
- Ben Jabeur et H. Seddik, « Design of RTD-PID optimized neural networks controller for non-holonomic wheeled mobile robot, » International Robotics and Automation Journal, e-ISSN: 2574-8092, .2019;5(5): Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 168-177, 26 September 2019 Google Scholar ISSN/ 2574-8092. DOI: 10.15406/iratj.2019.05.00191,
- Ben Jabeur et H. Seddik, « Neural network on-line optimized PID controller with wind gust rejection for a quad-rotor , » International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 168-177, 26 September 2021. Impact factor: 0,9, indexed SCOPUS,, Online ISSN: 2062-0810. Classed Q3
- Itaf ben slimane, Larbi Boubchir and Hassene seddik,’ Epileptic Seizure Prediction Based on EEG Spikes Detection of Ictal-Preictal States”, The Journal of Biomedical research, NANJING MEDICAL UNIV, 140, HANZHONG LU, NANJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, 210029? 2020 May; 34(3): 162–169 ? doi: 7555/JBR.34.20190097 ISSN / eISSN 1674-8301 / 1876-4819, Impact factor ISI Thomson reuter 1.63 ; classed Q2
- Itaf ben slimane, Zouhair Mbarki and Hassene seddik,’ Precise Epileptic Seizure Setection Method Based on DTCWT and Overlapped EEG Dataset’, The Journal of Biomedical research, NANJING MEDICAL UNIV, 140, HANZHONG LU, NANJING, PEOPLES R CHINA, 210029 doi: 7555/JBR.34.20190026 Volume 34 Issue 3 May 2020 ISSN / eISSN 1674-8301 / 1876-4819, Impact factor ISI Thomson reuter 1.63 ; Q2.
- Bouslahi H and seddik , »Innovative image encryption scheme based on a new rapid hyperchaotic system and random iterative permutation », Multimedia Tools and Applications, ISSN 1573-7721 77, pages30841–30863(2018) accepted 10 June 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11042-018-5997-2, pp 1-23 ,impact factor on ISI Thomson reuter 1.33.
- selmani A, H. Seddik and ben braiek ezzeddine “Anisotropic smart shape-adapted image smoothing without conductance function efficient for impulse noise removal”, Digital Signal Processing 75 (2018) 83–95 Vol.4, pp. 17-22. impact factor on ISI Thomson reuter33
- Mbarki H. Seddik; Tebbini sondes et E. Ben Braiek, ‘A new rapid auto-adapting diffusion function for adaptive anisotropic image de-noising and sharply conserved edges’, Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, CMWA- ELSEVIER – Volume 74, Issue 8, 15 October 2017, Pages 1751-1768, impacted on ISI Thomson reuter 1.53 ,
- [22] Bouslahi H and H. seddik,” A new rapid hyperchaotic system for more efficient 2D data encryption”, Accepted in Multimedia Tools and Applications, (), 1-22; Issue 06, vol.77, march 2018, pp 7741–7762, DOI 10.1007/s11042-017-4675-0 ,impact factor on ISI Thomson reuter 1.33
- Bouslahi H and H. seddik,” A new hypersensitive hyperchaotic system with no equilibria”, Accepted for publication in IJBC: International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos; received 15 february2016, revised yanuary 05-2017, Volume 27, Issue 05, May 2017, impact factor on ISI Thomson reuter 1.4.
- Mbarki H. Seddik; E. Ben Braiek, ‘A rapid and fast hybrid algorithm for image restoration combining parametric wiener filtering and wave atom transform’, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, JVCI-16-406R1, J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 40 (2016) 694–70 ? Agust 2016, impacted on ISI Thomson reuter 2.6
- Tebini, , H.Seddik, Z. Mbarki and E.Ben Braiek, 2016, An advanced and adaptive mathematical function for an efficient anisotropic image filtering, ELSEVIER Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 72, Issue 5, pp. 1369-1385, (2016), 5 years impact factor 1.89 ISI Thomson reuters, 10.1016/j.camwa.2016.07.004
- Tebini, Z. Mbarki, H.Seddik, and E.Ben Braiek, ‘Rapid and Efficient Image Restoration Technique Based On New Adaptive Anisotropic Diffusion Function’, ELSEVIER Digital signal processing vol. 48, pp. 201-215, doi:10.1016/j.dsp.2015.09.013, 5 years impact factor 1.558 isi Thomson reuter.
- H. Seddik, “A new family of Gaussian filters with adaptive lobe location and smoothing strength for efficient image restoration ”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, springer open access journal, ISSN: 1687-6180 , Impact factor 0.93 ISI Thomson Reuters, 11 march 2014, vol. 2014, Issue 1, DOI: 10.1186/ 1687-6180 -2014-25,
- Seddik, T. Sondes and E.B. Braiek “ Smart Real Time Adaptive Gaussian Filter Supervised Neural Network for Efficient Gray Scale and RGB Image Denoising”, AutoSoft computing- Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, Vol. 20, issue.3, 6 march 2014, pp. 1-18. Impact factor 0.183 ISI Thomson Reuters AND indexed by ELSEVIER. Taylor and Francic -group, ISSN: 1079-8587.
- Mbarki, E.B. Braiek, H. Seddik, “Fast and efficient filtering with a smart SKCS kernel supervised by neural network” , Wulfenia Journal, Vol. 20, No. 6. , PP. 123-142, June 2013; ISSN: 1561-882X – Impact Factor: 0.267 ISI Thomson Reuters.
- Bouslehi Hamdi, Seddik, Amaria Wael, “ A New Approach for Color Image Encryption Combining Confusing Permutation and Chaotic Outputs “CPCO”, Wulfenia Journal, Vol.20, No. 6, PP. 2-14, 2013; ISSN: 1561-882X – Impact Factor: 0.267 ISI Thomson Reuters.
- Selmani, H. Seddik, and M. Mzoughi “A fuzzy-logic approach using anisotropic corridor for image denoising and edge preserving”’, SCIENCE SERIES DATA REPORT, “ » ISSN 1307-119X, Vol 5, No. 8;Aug 2013 pp. 68-80, indexed by Thomson Reuters.
- Essaidani, H. Seddik, E.B. Braiek,” Asynchronous Invariant Digital Image Watermarking in Radon Field for Resistant Encrypted Watermark”, International Journal of Network Security, (IJNS-2013-08-19-1), Received Aug. 19, 2013; revised and accepted (Mar. 15, 2014) ISSN (E) : 1816-3548, Vol: 18, pp. 19-32 PUBLISHED ,1-2016 Impact Factor for year 2012 is = 1.3921, indexed in SCOPUS.
- Selmani , H. Seddik, M. Mzoughi, “ A fuzzy logic approach for image restoration and content preserving”, Proceedings Engineering & Technology –PET : Vol.4, pp. 17-22, 2013 Copyright – IPCO , ISSN : 2356-5608, Indexed by SCOPUS.
- Essaidani, H. Seddik, E B. Braiek, “New Watermarking Approach In Radon Filed”, Proceedings Engineering & Technology –PET: Vol.4, pp. 94-99, 2013 Copyright – IPCO, ISSN : 2356-5608, Indexed by SCOPUS.
- A. Bahri, H. Seddik, A. Selmani, “ Comparison study for Image Classification using supervised and unsupervised Neuronal Networks”, Proceedings Engineering & Technology –PET : Vol.2, pp. 120-123, 2013 Copyright – IPCO, ISSN : 2356-5608, Indexed by SCOPUS.
- Sondes, H. Seddik, Z. Mbarki and E.B. Braiek, “ Directional Separable Kernel Family with Compact Support -SKCS- for de-noising image and preserving edges”, Proceedings Engineering & Technology –PET : Vol.2, pp. 186-190, 2013 Copyright – IPCO, ISSN : 2356-5608, Indexed by SCOPUS.
- Wael, H. seddik, B. hamdi, “A new approach for image encryption combining random iterative permutation and chaotic outputs”, Proceedings Engineering & Technology –PET : Vol.1, pp. 202-206, 2013 Copyright – IPCO, ISSN : 2356-5608, Indexed by SCOPUS.
- Mzoughi, H. Seddik, A. selmani, “Texture classification using fuzzy fusion between variance map and entropy of LBP distribution, and mathematical morphology Proceedings Engineering & Technology –PET : Vol.2, pp. 181-185, 2013 Copyright – IPCO , ISSN : 2356-5608, Indexed by SCOPUS.
- Seddik, M. Sayadi, F. Fnaiech et M. Cheriet, “Image Watermarking Based on the Hessenberg Transform” The International Journal of Image and Graphics, Print ISSN: 0219-4678, Online ISSN: 1793-6756, Volume: 9, Issue: 3 (July 2009), pp 411-433. impact factor de 0.19 suivant CiteSeer et un hindex de 13 suivant Harzing’s Publish and Perish, indéxé sur DBLP.
- Seddik, and E.B. Braiek “Combining Chaotic Encryption and Frequency Watermarking for Prior and Ahead Image Securing” International Journal Of Computer and Applications, vol.48, N=2, pp.30-36, June 2012, ISSN: 0975-8887, “impact factor: 0.814” CiteSeer, Google Scholar.
- Seddik, and E.B. Braiek “Efficient Noise Removing based Optimized Smart Dynamic Gaussian Filter” International Journal Of Computer and Applications, Vol. 51, N=5 ,pp.1-13, 29 August 2012, ISSN: 0975-8887, “impact factor:0.814”. CiteSeer, Google Scholar and others. DOI10.5120/8035-1334
- Seddik, “Combined Multi-encryption Techniques for Text Securing Using Block Cipher and Stream Cipher Crypto-systems”, International journal of research contribution from engineering science and IT : iJES: issn: 2222-4254,Volume 1, Issue 1, August 2013 pp:53-57. Indexed in DOAJ, Google Scholar and many others, impact factor: 0.455, DOI10.3991/ijes.v1i1.2901
- Seddik and E.B.Braiek “Optimal Watermarking Scheme in Time Frequency Domain for most Robustness and better Imperceptibility ”, ICGST-GVIP Journal, ISSN 1687-3998, Volume 12, Issue1, PP. 23-29, April 2012. Indexed in ISI, ICR and Cite factor impact factor 1.51,
- A. Bahri, H. Seddik, and A Selmani, “ Neuro-genetic classifier applied for road detection”, accepted in International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Technology (IJSET) . ISSN (Online) : 2277-1581, Vol1, PP.25-32, 2014. indexed in DOAJ, impact factor 0.489.
- A. Bahri, H. Seddik and A. Selmani, “Efficient Texture classification using a kohonen clustering network and the LNLBP attributes”, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering (IJECCE) ISSN (Online Journal) : 2249 – 071X, ISSN (Print): 2278 – 4209, Vol. 4 Issue .3 (2013): 900-905. Impact Factor 1. DOAJ.
- Seddik, M. Sayadi et F. Fnaiech, « A New Watermarking method using the parametric Hough Transform Domain”, WSEAS Trans. on Information Science and Application, no. 9, Vol. 2, pp. 1277-1284, Sept. 2005. Indexed in ELSEVIER and SCOPUS
- Seddik et E-B. Braiek, “Color Medical Images Watermarking ” ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing, Vol.6 Special Issue on Medical Image Processing, pp.81-86, march 2006.
- Seddik, M. Sayadi et F. Fnaiech, “A new Multi-Domains Image Watermarking Method Based on Multi-Watermarks Embedding and Neural Network Segmentation” Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 1, no. 39, pp.1927 – 1939, 2007, indexed by scopus.
- Imen Labiadh, Larbi Boubchir, and Hassene Seddik, “A Cascade CNN Model based on Adaptive Learning Rate Thresholding for Reliable Face Recognition”, IEEE BigData 2023 Workshop, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- December 15-18, 2023 – Sorrento, Italy
- Nabila Elloumi, Zouhair Mbarki and Hassene Seddik, ‘3D medical images segmentation and securing based GAN architecture and watermarking algorithm using schur decomposition’ and AMCAI 2023 Hammamet December 13-15 2023, Tunsia.
- Nessrinr Abid, Zouhair Mbarki and Nabila Elloumi and hassene seddik ‘Reliable Patient Data Securing for Medical Image Segmentation with Different CNN Architectures’, AMCAI 2023 Hammamet December 13-15 2023, Tunsia
- Monaam Ayachi and Hassene Seddik, “ Overview of EMG Signal Preprocessing and Classification for Bionic Hand Control”, IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), 15-17 July 2022, Paris , France.
- Elloumi Nabila, Ben Chaabane Salim and Seddik Hassen, “3D Image Segmentation For Lung Cancer Using U-Net Architecture”, 2022 IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), 15-17 July 2022, Paris , France.
- Chaima Gouider and Hassene Seddik, “YOLOv4 enhancement with efficient channel recalibration approach in CSPdarknet53”, IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), 15-17 July 2022, Paris , France.
- Chiraz Ben Jabeur and Hassene Seddik, “Application of PD and Fuzzy Controllers for an UROV”, IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), 15-17 July 2022, Paris , France.
- Chaima Gouider and Hassene Seddik, “YOLOv4 and branch attention: An improved approach to real-time object detection”, IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), 15-17 July 2022, Paris , France.
- Kthiri Ammar; Chiraz Ben Jabeur and Hassene Seddik, “ Simulation and Control of a flying quad-rotor By Fuzzy Logic with obstacle avoidance”, IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), 15-17 July 2022, Paris, France.
- Zouhair Mbarki; Besma Miladi; Chiraz Jabeur; Maryem Fadhly and Hassene Seddik, “Real time face detection and identification from video sequences combining LBP algorithm and convolutional neural network”, IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), 15-17 July 2022, Paris , France.
- Khaled Khnissi; Chiraz Ben Jabeur and Hassene Seddik”, Implementation of a New-Optimized ROS-Based SLAM for Mobile Robot”, IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), 15-17 July 2022, Paris , France
- Imen Labiadh; Hassene Seddik and Larbi Boubchir”, Deep Learning for Face Detection and Correction in Information Flow”, IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), 15-17 July 2022, Paris , France.
- Habiba Batti; Chiraz Ben Jabeur; Hassen Fourati and Hassene Seddik, “Fuzzy Logic Based Control for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation and Obstacles Avoidance”, IEEE Information Technologies & Smart Industrial Systems (ITSIS), 15-17 July 2022, Paris , France.
- Imen Labiadh, Hassene Seddik, Larbi Boubchir, « Deep Learning for Detection of Prostate Tumors by Microscopic Cells and MRI », 6th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing, ATSIP, 10.1109 / 9805866, IEEE Xplore, No 21844743, 2022,
- Labiedh, H. Seddik, S. Ben Chaabane, “Real Time Face Recognition Based on Residual Neural Network”, IEEE, 2nd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology,ICCIT 2021, No179, Jan. 25-26-27, 2022/ FCIT/UT/KSA.
- B. Jabeur, I. Aydi et H. Seddik, » Indirect Adaptive PID Controller Neural Networks optimization for VTOL Trainer, » 2021 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), Grenoble, France
- Khaled Khnissi, Chiraz Ben Jabeur and Hassene SEDDIK , ‘3D Simulator for Navigation of a Mobile Robot Using Simscape-SIMULINK’, The 2019 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (IEEE ICCAD’19), 2-4 Juillet 2019|Grenoble, France.
- Habiba Batti, Chiraz Ben Jabeur and Hassene SEDDIK Fuzzy Logic Controller for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation’, , The 2019 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (IEEE ICCAD’19), 2-4 Juillet 2019|Grenoble, France.
- Habiba Batti, Chiraz Ben Jabeur and Hassene seddik,‘Mobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance in labyrinth Environment Using Fuzzy Logic Approach’, The 2019 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (IEEE ICCAD’19); 2-4 Juillet 2019|Grenoble, France.
- Chiraz Ben Jabeur and Hassene SEDDIK ‘Implementation of SNNPID optimized Neural Networks Controller for a two-wheeled mobile robot’, The 2019 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (IEEE ICCAD’19); 2-4 Juillet 2019|Grenoble, France
- Khaled Khnissi, Chiraz ben jabeur and Hassene Seddik ,’ Smart Navigation of Mobile Robot Using Neural Network Controller’ , IEEE International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT), 2018, Page s: 205 – 210 , oct 2018, Algeria
- Sondes Tebbini , Hassen Seddik and B braiek ezzeddine ‘Effiient image texture filtering and and details preserving via a rapid diffusion function with accelerator’ , IEEE International conference on advanced technologies for signal &image processing IEEE ATSIP 2018 March 21-24, 2018, Sousse-Tunisia
- Mbarki zohair , Hassen Seddik and B braiek ezzeddine ‘Non blind image restoration scheme combinig parametric winner filtering and BM3D denoising technique’ , IEEE International conference on advanced technologies for signal &image processing IEEE ATSIP 2018 March 21-24, 2018, Sousse-Tunisia
- Bannour and H. Seddik, “Robust Face Recognition Approaches Using PCA, ICA, LCA Based on DWT, and SVM algorithms”, Accepted in IEEE 41st International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, 4-6 july 2018, Greece , Athens .
- Seddik, M. Sayadi et F. Fnaiech “using the matrix Schur transform for a Blind Image Watermark embedding technique” TT 05-04, PF-000361 IEEE Industrial Electronic Conference IECON, image processing track, 3-5 novembere 2009.
- Seddik and E.B. Braiek “Image securing based chaotic encryption coupled with DCT robust watermarking”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Software Application ICEESA, 21-23 march 2012.
- Essaindani, H. Seddik and E.B. Braiek “New approach for periodic noise cleaning on real time vidéo based low-pass filtering and mathematical morphologies”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Software Application ICEESA, 21-23 march 2012.
- Tebbini and H. Seddik “RGB image de-noising Using New Low-pas filter with variable Gaussian core Real time optimized by Neural networks ”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Software Application ICEESA, 21-23 march 2012.
- Z Mbarki, E B braiek, Seddik , S Tebbini and A. Selmani ,Neural SKCS for efficient noise reduction and content preserving“ , IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Software Application ICEESA, 21-23 march 2012.
- A Selmani, Seddik and M Zohair “Efficient speech denoising applied to coloured noise based dynamic low pass-filter supervised by cascade neural network”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Software Application ICEESA, 21-23 march 2012.
- Bouslahi and H. Seddik “A new Approach Combining speech Chaotic Encryption with fragile Image Watermarking For audio securing and intrusion detection”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Software Application ICEESA, 21-23 march 2012.
- Wael, H. seddik, B. hamdi, “A New Approach Combining Neural Networks And Chaotic Behavior For Poly-Encrypted Color Image”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Applications 2013 (ICCSA’2013) October 4-6 Hammamet, Tunisia, Indexé sur SCOPUS.
- Essaidani and H. Seddik, “Exploiting Asynchronous Invariance For Resistant Encrypted Watermatk Embedded In Radon Field”, IEEE –WCCIT-2013 – The International Conference on Multi Media Processing, June 22-24 2013, Sousse, Tunisia, indexé sous SCOPUS.
- Mbarki, E.B. Braiek and H. Seddik, “IMAGE FILTERING BY DYNAMIC KCS”, 10th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices IEEE SSD, 18-21march 2013.
- Mbarki, E. B. Braiek, H. Seddik, “Efficient noise reduction based on SKCS kernel supervised by neural network”, ICWIT-13, International Conference on Web and information Technologies, 9-12 May, 2013, Indexed DBLP and SCOPUS Hammamet Tunisia.
- Tebini, H. Seddik, B. B. Ezeddine, “ New Method for image de-noising and edge preserving based Gaussian kernel with variable orientation”, ICWIT-13, International Conference on Web and information Technologies, 9-12 May, 2013, Indexed SCOPUS, Hammamet Tunisia.
- Mzoughi, H. Seddik, A. selmani, “Efficient Image de-noising with edges preserving based Median Filter supervised by fuzzy controller and neighborhood expansion”, ICWIT-13, International Conference on Web and information Technologies, 9-12 May, 2013, Indexed SCOPUS Hammamet Tunisia.
- Selmani, H. Seddik and Ben braiek Ezzeddine, “Adaptive median filter based on ANFIS for impulse noise suppression”, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE, 1-4 June 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, indexed on SCOPUS.
- A. Bahri, H Seddik and A. Selmani,” Neuro-genetic classifier applied for road detection”, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ‘ISIE’ 1-4 June 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, indexed on SCOPUS.
- Bouslahi and H. Seddik, “Improving Chaotic Encryption for better Audio Securing”, 4ème Colloque de Recherche Appliquée et de Transfert de Technologie, 30-31 Octobre 2011 Rades Tunisia.
- Mbarki, E. ben Braiek, H. Seddik « Application du KCS au filtrage d’images », 4ème Colloque de Recherche Appliquée et de Transfert de Technologie, 30-31 Octobre Rades Tunisia.
- Selmani and H. Seddik, “Conception d’un filtre gaussien dynamique à optimisation neuronale pour le filtrage audio à temps reel”, 4ème Colloque de Recherche Appliquée et de Transfert de Technologie, 30-31 Octobre 2011, Rades Tunisia.
- Saidi, H. Seddik and B. Braiek Ezzeddine, “Design and optimization of an intelligent filter for automatic watermark detection and extraction”, 4ème Colloque de Recherche Appliquée et de Transfert de Technologie, 30-31 Octobre 2011, Rades Tunisia.
- Chammakhi, H. Seddik and E.B.Braiek “Robustness Study for watermarking in the multiresolution domain”, IEEE JTEA Journée tunisienne d’électricité et d’automatique, image processing track, 26-28 Mars 2010, Hammamet, Tunisie.
- Sondes Tebini, Hassene Seddik and Ezzedine Ben Braiek, ‘New Anisotropic Diffusion Function For Medical Image Enhancement’ , International conference on advanced technologies for signal &image processing IEEE ATSIP 2016 March 21-24, 2016, Monastir-Tunisia.
- Dhekra Essaidani, Hassene Seddik and Ezzedine Ben Braiek, ‘Robust and Blind Watermarking Approach Based on Modified Delaunay Triangulation’ , International conference on advanced technologies for signal &image processing IEEE ATSIP 2016 March 21-24, 2016, Monastir-Tunisia.
- Hajer Thabet and Hassene Seddik, ‘Generating an Hyper-Chaotic System from 3D Chaotic Behavior’ , International conference on advanced technologies for signal &image processing IEEE ATSIP 2016 March 21-24, 2016, Monastir-Tunisia.
- Ayadi Wael and Seddik Hassenne, ‘New SMS Encryption Algorithm Based on Hyperchaotic System’ , International conference on advanced technologies for signal &image processing IEEE ATSIP 2016 March 21-24, 2016, Monastir-Tunisia.
- Najm Eddine Maalaoui and Hassen Seddik, ‘New Hybrid Encryption Technique Permuting Text and Image Based on Hyperchaotic System t’ , IEEE International conference on advanced technologies for signal &image processing IEEE ATSIP 2016 March 21-24, 2016, Monastir-Tunisia.
- Hamdi bouslahi, Hassene Seddik and Ezzedine Ben Braiek Randomized Poly-Encryption Image Exploiting Hyper-Chaotic Behavior, ‘New Anisotropic Diffusion Function For Medical Image Enhancement’ , IEEE International conference on advanced technologies for signal &image processing IEEE ATSIP 2016 March 21-24, 2016, Monastir-Tunisia.
- Khalil seifeddie and Hassene seddik, “Image de-noising using wave atom transform”, SSD-17, International multi-conferences on systems signal and devices, ‘CSP: International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing & Information Technology 2017’, 28-31 march 2017 Marrakech, Maroco.
- Anissa Selmani , Hassene Seddik, Ezzedine ben Braiek, “ A Novel ant colonies approach to medical image segmentation”, SSD-17, International multi-conferences on systems signal and devices, ‘CSP: International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing & Information Technology 2017’, 28-31 march 2017 Marrakech, Maroco.
- Sondes Tebbini , Hassene Seddik, Ezzedine ben Braiek, “Medical image Enhancement based on New anisotropic Diffusion Function”, SSD-17, International multi-conferences on systems signal and devices, ‘CSP: International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing & Information Technology 2017’, 28-31 march 2017 Marrakech, Maroco.
- Seddik, M. Sayadi et F. Fnaiech, “Nouveau schéma de tatouage par substitution dans le domaine spatiale robuste aux attaques asynchrones”, International conférence SETIT 05, souuse, Tunisia, 8-11 march 2005.
- Seddik, M. Sayadi, F. Fnaiech et M. cheriet, “A New Spatial Watermarking Method, based on a Logarithmic transformation of An Encrypted embedded Mark”, IMACS Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Paris, France July 11 – 15, 2005.
- Seddik, M. Sayadi et F. Fnaiech, “ A new watermarking scheme robust against JPEG compression and some asynchroeous attacks based on Hough transform”, 5th International Conference on Multimedia, Internet and Video Technologies, pp.165-170, 17-19 Augst, corfu island Greece 2005.
- Seddik et E-B. Braiek, “ Color Medical Images Watermarking, Based Neural Network Segmentation.” International Conference on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing (ICGVIP-05), 19-21 December 2005, cairo Egypt.
- Seddik, M. Sayadi et F. Fnaiech, “A New Robust Watermarking Method, Based On Multi-watermarks Embedding IN Multi-domains Image Representation, Using A Statistics Segmentation Based On The Image Zones Characteristics”, 4ème IEEE JTEA Journées Tunisiennes d’électricité et d’automatique, 12-14 Mai 2006 Hammamet Tunisia.
- Seddik, M. Sayadi et F. Fnaiech, “A New Blind & Robust Image Watermarking Method Based on the Hessenberg Transformation” 3rd IEEE ISIVC International Symposium on Image Video Communication over fixed and mobile network, Sep.13-15 2006, Hammamet Tunisie.
- Seddik, M. Sayadi et F. Fnaiech, “Color Médical Images Watermarking, Using Multi-Domains Image Embedding, and Color Neural Network Segmentation”, Accepté pour publication dans: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing (ANNIIP 2007), 9-12 Mai, France (Accepté mais non présenté).
- Seddik, M. Sayadi et F. Fnaiech, “ Watermarking Color Medical images, based on Multi-Domains Embedding, and Color Neural Network classification ” Les Cinquièmes Journées Scientifiques de l’école de l’aviation de Borj el Amri, JSEABA’2007, Borj el Amri, Tunisie; Mai 2007.
- Thaouadi, H. Seddik, et E-B. Braiek, “Etude comparative sur le tatouage d’images: techniques et méthodes ”, 4ème IEEE JTEA Journées Tunisiennes d’électricité et d’automatique, 12-14 Mai 2006 Hammamet Tunisie.
- Thaouadi, H. Seddik, et E-B. Braiek, “ Comparative study for selecting optimal futures for watermarking techniques ”, A apparaître dans 5ème IEEE JTEA Journées Tunisiennes d’électricité et d’automatique, 2-4 Mai 2008 Hammamet Tunisie.
- chamakhi, H. Seddik, et E-B. Braiek, “ Optimisation des paramètres de tatouage dans le domaine multiresolution”, A apparaître dans 5ème IEEE JTEA Journées Tunisiennes d’électricité et d’automatique, 2-4 Mai 2008 Hammamet Tunisie
- Seddik, A. Rahmouni et M. Sayadi,’ Text Independent Speaker Recognition Using the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients and a Neural Network Classifier’, ISCCSP, 2004; First international symposium on control, communications and signal processing 21-24 March 2004, Hammamet, Tunisia.
- Seddik, M. Sayadi et A. Rahmouni,’ Speaker Recognition Based on a Voice Characterized Model With a Neural Network Classifier’, JTEA, Journée tunisiénne d’éléctricité et d’automatique, 20-22 Mai, Hammamet Tunisie 2004.
- Seddik, A. Rahmouni et M. Sayadi,’ A New Method for Text Independent Speaker Recognition based on the Attack State Formants and Neural Network Classification’, IEEE-ICIT04 conference, in Hammamet Tunisia December 8-10, 2004